Selected Essays & Articles
“Deep Song: Envoicing the Motherline” (2014)
“Camino Lessons: Variations on the Theme of Pilgrimage” (2013)
”Shimmering Darkly - Following the Gypsy”
”Dark Sisters: Kali and the Black Madonna”
“Simple Days: A Coda,” The Diarist’s Journal, #3 (Fall 2003)
Reader Comment
“On reading ‘Deep Song: Envoicing the Motherline.’ There is something deeply moving about integration in a life – wherever and whenever one is able to do that. Our inner being KNOWS when that has happened. It feels deep and rich, and oozing with honey each time we recognize that success in someone else’s writing or in our own. It’s like an inner gong that is struck, and the reverberating waves of sound drop us into a place of peace and space. I am always searching for that “click” when all the disparate parts of self – the individual threads – come together to create a tapestry. It is an ache towards which the work is always moving, as though the soul is searching to join its parts. This was my experience while reading Marlene’s ‘Deep Song’ essay.” (NF)